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All translations - Marselyus

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Results 21 - 40 of about 55
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Source language
Engels The price
Manufacturer's suggested price was too high

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans Il prezzo
Spaans El precio
Source language
Engels Represent-below-possible
The title must represent the text below as well as possible.

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans Riassumere-sopra-possibile
Brasiliaanse Portugees Representa-acima-possível
Portugees Representar-possível-abaixo
Albanies Përfaqëson-mëposhtëm-e mundur
Duits Repräsentieren-unten-möglich
Russies Отображать-следующий-полно
Kroasies Predstavljati-doljnji- moguče
Nederlands Uitbeelden-onder-mogelijk
Pools reprezentować-poniższy-tekst
Arabies يمثّل -أدناه- احتمال
Turks Takdim-aşağıdaki-mümkün
Sweeds Skildra-nästa-full
Hebreeus לייצג-להלן-אפשרית
Katalaans Representar-avall-possible
Spaans Representar-abajo-posible
Romeens reprezintă-mai jos- posibil
Bulgaars Резюмиране – по-долу - възможно
Grieks Αντιπροσωπευτικός τίτλος
Sjinees vereenvoudig 尽可能与下文相对应
Japannees 表す 下記 可能な
Serwies Predstavljati - dole - moguce
Deens Repræsenter-nedenfor-godt
Esperanto Reprezenti-suba-eble
Fins Esittää-alla-mahdollinen
Noors Representere-neden-mulig
Koreaans 대표-아래-가능한
Tsjeggies nadpis-reprezentuje-následující
Farsie-Persies بیان-زیر-امکان
Slowaaks vystihovať-text-nižšie
Afrikaans Verteenwoordig-onder-moontlik
Hindi वर्णन करें--निम्नलिखित
Viëtnamees Tiêu đề phải đại diện cho các văn bản dÆ°á»›i đây cÅ©ng nhÆ° có thể.
Source language
Engels Entirely-following-language
The text starting with "%t", is entirely written in the following language: %l
%t and %l must be kept in the translation

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans Interamente-seguente-lingua
Brasiliaanse Portugees Totalmente-seguinte-idioma
Portugees Inteiramente-seguinte-língua
Russies Полностью-следующий-язык
Duits Völlig die folgende Sprache
Nederlands Volledig-volgende-taal
Spaans Totalmente-Siguiente-Idioma
Pools Wyłącznie-poniższy-język
Arabies تماما-لغة-تالية
Turks Tamamıyle-müteakip-dil
Sweeds Text språk börjar "%t": %l
Hebreeus כול-באה-שפה
Katalaans Completament-llengua-següent
Romeens cu totul-urmatoarele limbi
Sjinees vereenvoudig 直译
Bulgaars Изцяло – следващ - език
Japannees 全てー下記ー言語
Grieks Κείμενο αποκλειστικά σε γλώσσα
Serwies Potpuno-sledeci-jezik
Albanies Komplet - në këtë - gjuhë
Deens Kun-sprog
Esperanto komplete-sekvanta-lingvo
Fins Kokonaan-seuraava-kieli
Kroasies Potpuno- slijedečem- jeziku
Noors Helt-følgende-språk
Koreaans 오로지-다음-언어
Tsjeggies Zcela-následujícím-jazykel
Farsie-Persies کاملاً-زیر-زبان
Koerdies temamen-zimané pey dé-
Slowaaks úplný-nasledujúci-jazyk
Afrikaans Geheel en al-volgende-taal
Hindi पूर्णतया निम्न भाषा में
Viëtnamees Các văn bản bắt đầu vá»›i "% t", là hoàn toàn viết bằng ngôn ngữ sau:% l
13Source language13
Engels Written-following-language
This field must be written in the following language: %l
context for field : input field in a web form.

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans Scritto-seguente-lingua
Portugees Escrito-língua-seguinte
Brasiliaanse Portugees Escrito-seguinte-idioma
Albanies Shkruar-pasuese-gjuhë
Russies Написан-на-следующем-языке
Duits Geschrieben-folgende-Sprache
Nederlands Schrijven-volgende-taal
Pools Pisany_nastepujący-język
Arabies يكتب -لغة-تالية
Spaans Escrita-siguiente-lengua
Turks Yazılı-müteakip-dil
Hebreeus כתוב-באה-שפה
Sweeds Skriven-följande-språk
Katalaans Escrit-llengua-següent
Sjinees vereenvoudig 书写-下列-语言
Romeens scris-urmatoarele-limbi
Bulgaars Написано на следния език
Japannees 書かれー下記ー言語
Grieks Γραφή-πεδίο-γλώσσα
Serwies Pisan - sledeci - jezik
Deens Skriv-følgende-sprog
Esperanto Skribita-sekvanta-lingvo
Fins Kirjoitettu-seuraava-kieli
Tsjeggies Napráno-následujícím-jazykem
Kroasies Pisati-slijedeči-jezik
Frans Langue-suivante-écrite.
Noors Skrives-følgende-språk
Koreaans 적혀지다-아래-언어
Farsie-Persies نوشتن-زیر-زبان
Koerdies Di-heman-ziman
Slowaaks Napísané-nasledujúci-jazyk
Afrikaans Geskrewe-volgende-taal
Hindi निम्नलिखित भाषा में लिखें
Viëtnamees LÄ©nh vá»±c này phải được viết bằng ngôn ngữ sau:
Source language
Engels Example-something-translate
For example, don't write something like "Hello, could you translate this text...".

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans Esempio-qualcosa-tradurre
Portugees Exemplo-algo-traduzir
Brasiliaanse Portugees Exemplo-algo-traduzir
Russies Пример-текст-перевод
Duits Beispiel etwas übersetzen
Spaans ejemplo-algo a traducir
Nederlands Voorbeeld-iets-vertaal
Pools przykład-coś-tłumaczyć
Arabies مثال-ترجم-شيئا
Turks Örnek-birşey-çevirmek
Sweeds Exempel-någonting-översätt
Hebreeus דוגמא-משהו-לתרגם
Katalaans Exemple-traduir-quelcom
Romeens exemplu-ceva-traduce
Bulgaars Example-something-translate
Sjinees vereenvoudig 比如说,不要写诸如“您好,你能翻译此文章吗……”
Japannees 例ー何かー翻訳して
Grieks Παράδειγμα-κάτι για μετάφραση
Esperanto Ekzemple-io-traduki
Serwies Primer - nesto - prevod
Albanies Shembull - dicka - përkthim
Deens Eksempel-noget-stil
Frans Traduction francais
Fins Esimerkki käännöksestä
Kroasies Na primjer-nešto-prevesti
Noors Eksempel-noenting-oversett
Koreaans 예-어떤-번역
Tsjeggies Příklad-něco-přeložit
Farsie-Persies مثال-بعضی-ترجمه کردن
Koerdies Minak-tiÅŸtek-wergerandin
Slowaaks Napríklad-niečo-preložiť
Afrikaans Voorbeeld-iets-vertaal
Hindi उदाहरण-कुछ-अनुवाद
Viëtnamees Ví dụ, không viết cái gì nhÆ° "Xin chào, bạn có thể dịch các văn bản này ...".
Source language

Vertalings gedaan
Turks Çünkü sen
Source language
Italiaans sto andando a casa
sto andando a casa

Vertalings gedaan
Spaans Estoy yendo a casa
Source language
Italiaans AUGURIO


Vertalings gedaan
Albanies URIM
Engels I wish
Source language
Engels Warning-original-revision
Warning, some [1]upload items[/1] (%l) from the original revision cannot be find in the edited revision, are you sure you want to go on?
Upload items are a sound or an illustration. They are integrated in the wiki article and can be recorded/edited by the visitor. Each upload item is identified by a number (called the "index"). When editing a wiki article, if one of the indexes has disapeared, the sound or the illustration will be deleted, that's why we must display a warning.

Vertalings gedaan
Sjinees vereenvoudig 警告-原始-修订版
Sjinees 警告-原始-修訂
Brasiliaanse Portugees Atenção-original-versão
Portugees Atenção-original-versão
Albanies Kujdes-origjinale-perpunuar
Arabies تحذير -مراجعة-أصليّة
Italiaans Avvertimento-originale-revisione
Duits Warnung-Original-Bearbeitung
Esperanto Averto-originala-revizaĵo
Sweeds Varning-original-revision
Turks Uyarı-Orijinal-Yenileme
Nederlands Waarschuwing - originele - versie
Spaans Advertencia-version-original
Romeens Atenţie-versiunea-originală
Russies Внимание-оригинал-проверка
Katalaans Avís-original-revisió
Source language
Engels are you there
are you there

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans Tu sei lì?
Source language
Engels Duplicated-indexes-upload
Warning, there are 2 duplicated indexes of [1]upload items[/1] on line %l1 and line %l2
Upload items are a sound or an illustration. They are integrated in the wiki article and can be recorded/edited by the visitor. Each upload item is identified by a number (called the "index"). When editing a wiki article, if one of the indexes appears twice, it will be replaced by the same soudn or illustration. Usually it's not what we want to do, that's way we must display a warning.

Vertalings gedaan
Sjinees vereenvoudig 重复-索引-上传
Sjinees 重復-索引-上傳
Brasiliaanse Portugees Duplicados-índices-carregados
Portugees Duplicados-índices-carregados
Albanies Kopje-tregues-upload
Romeens Duplicate-indexuri-itemi
Duits Versoppelt-Indizes-Upload
Esperanto Multobligitaj-indeksoj-enŝuti
Arabies فهرسان -منسوخان -محمّلة
Italiaans Duplicati-indici-Upload
Turks Kopylanması - indeksler - yüklenmesi
Nederlands Duplicaat - index- upload
Spaans Indices-subidos-duplicados
Russies Duplicated-indexes-upload
Katalaans pujar-índex-duplicats
Source language
Engels Business Letter ...
However it seems,it is difficult to get business in area, we can offer our copetitive price list to our customers.In this case we study on cost-down of transportation or production.We have to do collaboration and we have to do necessary things in order to avoid to lost vigor in the area.

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Lettre d'affaires
Spaans Letra de trabajo...
Italiaans Lettera d'affari
Nederlands Zakenbrief
Source language
Turks Zamanlar, Los Tiempos ...
1.Müşteriler geldiğinde mallar çoktan gönderilmiş olacak
2.Genel müdür 2 ay içerisinde malların hepsinin satılmış olmasını istiyor.
3.10 yıl içinde Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinde her üç kişiden biri İspanyolcayı ana dili olarak konuşuyor olacak.
4.Mallar ile faturaları beraber göndermiş olsaydın gümrüklemede sorun yaşamamış olurdum.
5.Firmayı arayıp malın İzmire gelmesini istediğini söylemeni İstiyorum.
Müşteriler --> Los clientes
Gümrük --> La aduana
Mallar --> Las mercancías
Firma --> La compaña

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans I tempi, Zamanlar
Source language
Engels Interesting-notifications-translations will NOT sell your email address and we will NOT send you any unwanted emails. Please use an email address that you check regularly as you will receive useful email notifications if you enable the options (completed translations, personal messages, ect...).

Vertalings gedaan
Romeens Notificări-interesante-traduceri
Duits Interessante-Benachrichtigungen-Ãœbersetzungen
Italiaans Interessanti-notifiche-traduzion
Portugees Interessante-notificações-tradução
Spaans Interesantes-avisos-traducciones
Albanies Të dobishme-njoftime-përkthime
Russies Интересно-информация-переводы
Frans Régulièrement-notifications-nécessaires
Pools Email-zawiadomienie
Turks İlgi, bildiriler, çeviriler
Bulgaars интересен-известявания -преводи
Hebreeus תרגום-התראות-שימושיות
Arabies ممتعة-إشعارات-ترجمات
Brasiliaanse Portugees Interessantes-notificações-traduções
Katalaans Interessants-avisos-traduccions
Hongaars Hasznos értesítések-fordítások
Nederlands Interessant-informatie-vertalingen
Sjinees vereenvoudig 感兴趣-通知-翻译
Sweeds Intressant-tillkännagivande-översättningar
Sjinees 有趣-知會-譯文
Esperanto Interesaj-sciigaĵoj-tradukoj
Japannees 関心ある-通知-翻訳
Kroasies Interesantno-zabilježeno-prijevodi
Grieks Ενδιαφέροντα-αναγγελίες-μεταφράσεις
Hindi रुचिकर–सूचनायें–अनुवाद
Serwies Interesovanje - obavestenje - prevodi
Litaus Įdomu-pranešimai-vertimai
Deens Notifikation
Fins Kiinnostava-ilmoitus-käännökset
Engels Regularly-notifications-translations
Estnies Huvitav-teadaanded-tõlked
Noors Interessant-informasjon-oversettelser
Koreaans 정기적으로-공지-번역들
Tsjeggies Často-upozornění-překlady
Farsie-Persies مرتباً-اطلاعات-ترجمه ها
Slowaaks Pravidelné - upozornenia - preklady
Mongools Сонирхолтой-мэдээлэлийн-орчуулганууд
Afrikaans Gereelde-kennisgewings-vertalings
Nepalees सधै-सुचना-अनुवाद
Sloweens redna-poročila-prevodi
Thai การแจ้งเตือน
Source language
Italiaans Fare una cosa
Farò una cosa che ti convincerà

Vertalings gedaan
Spaans Haré algo que te convencerá
Frans Faire une chose
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